Girl Scouts

Belief in God and acknowledgement of one’s responsibility to God are values inherent in the Girl Scouts Promise. Through the various awards, emblems and patches it is the desire and hope of the Archdiocesan Office to help young girls and women on their faith journey. Our Office works in coordination with the National Catholic Committee for Girl Scouts –which is a collaborating member of the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, to help promote Catholic Girl Scouting. The present National Catholic Committee for Girl Scouts and Camp Fire dates back to the early days of the Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) and the National Catholic Welfare Conference. Although it has functioned in various capacities and under several different names, this committee’s purpose has remained the same: to minister to the Catholic girls in Girl Scouts (at first) and Camp Fire (since 1973).

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Rich Donovan

Archdiocesan Scouting Coordinator
Associate Directo
ext 4150
